Friday, February 22, 2008

2 Lists, of sorts

You know your week is too intense when you don't have time to do your favorite things until 2:26 am Friday morning. And Monday was a holiday!!! I started to review the week and here is the list of what I did Monday which explains the above picture:

  • Monday, okay I did do some knitting---like that Cestari sock, ooh it is wonderful soft. BUT, I also caught up on paperwork---to wit, I threw out a lot of papers that have been accumulating and needed tossing. I threw out favorite turtlenecks that had sleeves that stopped at the elbows. I changed the sheets, I dusted and got rid of some bunnies that had grown horrifically (dust bunnies NOT live ones, though these practically WERE alive). I made a lot of decisions I had been putting off and put them into action on the spot. Good Cate. Reward: knitting AND watching all of Pride and Prejudice.

Thursday (aka tonight/last night) I caught the Incredibles on Family Channel. What a fun movie. But then I couldn't get to sleep, came downstairs, caught up on e-mails and had a great e-mail from Suzie with a list of all the new Spring yarns coming into Woolbearers. I replied to our yahoogroups that she is a yarn temptress, a yarn Delilah, a yarn hussy and my very own personal yarn pusher...and that makes for my other list.

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