Sunday, May 03, 2009

Why don't I do this more often?

I wish I were a fearless blogger. So many do it so naturally. What holds me back?

There has been a lot going on in my life and maybe that's why I don't blog: too little time. Maybe it's that I'm so unhappy about being unemployed for a year. One year. Too long to be in this state of perpetual-what.

My friend Suzie blogs as 2sheepinthecity and she is a gifted writer. Her word pictures are bright paintings of her life, her family, her dogs and sheep, her friends, her travels, her delving into aromatherapy and reiki and diets, and her love of textiles, knitting and weaving. How grounded she is. She weaves it all together just as she does her fabrics.

Me, I spend sleepless nights and bleary-eyed days. I wake up to study the lines on my face made from mashing my cheek into my pillow as I try to find the just right position that will make the magic sleep descend. Too often the sun rises first.

90210 had a good sound track, apropos of nothing except that reruns are on TV and every once in a while great music comes on, I look up and Luke Perry is 20 years younger.

Here comes another day.

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