Monday, February 14, 2011

lots of knitting and still no time

I just "faved" at least a dozen items to knit or crochet on Ravelry and I'll never have the time to knit all the things I want to knit. Right now I'm knitting a great scarf/not quite shawl called 22.5 degrees - thanks to Knitting Friend Tola who made one first. I see someone else's project and I just have to make it myself. Today I sighed to my Sunday BKF's that I'm such a follower. Later I sighed that I'm obsessive about yarn. That I'm crazy about needles (until I saw the pictures of the Yarn Harlot's needles at her blog) and can't have enough; but I need pointier double points. And I want metal size 2s in 7" straights. And I agonized looking for a color to harmonize with the 22.5 for its border. Why is knitting such a compulsion? If I don't have it in my hands, my hands will start to knit of their own accord.

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