Saturday, March 22, 2008

Rip It, Rip It, Rip It

That's right, Rip It...I have re-knit my corner of the EZ ribwarmer and I have to rip it. WHY? Why, when everyone else I know is on their third or fourth rib warmer, moved on to clapotis and spring projects? Why am I stuck on this freaking, frigging, frogging corner? THIS time I have knit the corner on the wrong side---the collar side of the garment. You can see quite clearly from EZ's diagram in "Knitting Workshop" that the corner belongs across from the collar...and you can see from the photo of my garment...well, you can see that I screwed up. So, I'm going to have to rip it. I'm just not as clever as that most clever of women, Elizabeth Zimmermann. All hail the Goddess of Knitting.
Meanwhile, I finished Evelina and enjoyed it all along the way. Fanny Burney's character development was so great. What next to read? I've yet to read Persuasion by Ms. Austen, Pamela and Camilla, the Mystery of Utranto, so many good choices!
Last night in the mail, by way of Royal Post, I received "Tokens of Love," a book of patterns based on extant Quaker pin balls. Now I can't wait to start devouring that and knitting!!

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