One of the very best things to be found on the web is LibraryThing at Here, hundreds or thousands of bibliophiles catalog their books. I catalog mine. A free account lets you catalog 200 books; $25 lets you catalog all the books of a lifetime for forever. This is heaven to me. My knitting books alone, when I get them all cataloged might be the better part of 100 books. My history books--easily another 100. Cookbooks, mysteries, romances, children's books, biographies, miscellaneous reference books, fiction and the books one can't classify yet has to have. I'm working on it bit by bit. As the spirit moves me and as new books come in. It makes me happy. Reading is the greatest gift my mother ever gave me.
Heidi, the Bobbsey Twins, Nancy Drew, Cherry Ames, Barbie, Mr. Chips, the Brothers Grimm, Robert Louis Stevenson, biographies, Louisa May Alcott, hundreds of thousands of words and pages and places and people to fill my mind and color my world and fire my imagine and cause me to write run on sentences. Thank you Mom for so much joy!!!
look me up as ccrown on librarything.
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1 comment:
Keep blogging...don't let the daily business of work drag you down! Blogging about your knitting can also be relaxing. Knit for a while, blog about it, take a picture or two. Fun. Fun.
Thanks for the information about I am a teacher and will be checking it out to help me with the 100's of books I have for both the kids and for myself (teaching-wise)...oh, don't even get me started on the numbers of books I have at home. My office is wall to wall books on two walls, ceiling to floor. AND I need more bookshelves. Whew!
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