Wednesday, March 02, 2011

2 am and i have to stop

I remember now why I took the laptop out of the bedroom. I've been online since about 9:30. I've not yet made it to my e-mail. I've been on facebook, ravelry, librarything. I've read panopticon (who is also on LT), yarnharlot and somebody else's blog (why can't I remember?). I've tried to research how to create a blog-site for multiple users - oh, masondixon...that's the other blog. I started the Mystery Crochet-Along Motif Shawl, photographed and posted it to Ravelry, had a lengthy FB conversation with Suzie, faved half-a-dozen possible knitting projects, commented on friends comments on fb... and am nowhere ready to go to sleep. Must remove the laptop from the bedroom - again.

But, I did finish the 22.5 shawl...and I love it.